Ongoing: Brain Injury Association of NYS Support Groups: A variety of times for survivors and caregivers.
January, 2025: OPWDD and National Center for Cultural Competence Family Listening Sessions: Part of an effort to improve communication, language access and outreach to underserved communities. They’re intended to hear about people’s experiences in accessing supports and services based on a family’s cultural beliefs and practices, in your preferred language, and that are appropriate and fair for your family member with IDD. For families currently receiving supports and services, or have received them in the past, or are unable to access supports and services. (Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence)
Fri., Jan. 24, 2025: Family Guide to Transition Planning: Preparing Students with Disabilities for Life After High School (Lower Hudson Valley FACE CRPC, NYSED OSE Partnership and Yonkers Public Schools)
Fri., Jan. 24, 2025: Capital District Special Education Task Force Annual Reviews – Virtual Coffee Q&A: Meeting will answer questions about the annual review process, discuss how to best prepare for annual review meetings and more.
Mon., Jan. 27, 2025 and Wed., Jan. 29, : REV UP Kick off Part 1: Reaching Historically Excluded Voters on the 27th, and Part 2: Voting Rights Threats and Opportunities at the State Level on the 29th. The REV UP Voting Campaign, part of The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), builds the power of the disability vote through a national network of coalitions and organizations.
Tues., Jan. 28, 2025 and Thurs., Jan. 30, 2025: OPWDD Self-Direction Study Town Hall and Focus Groups for People with Lived Experience and their Families: OPWDD is working with consulting firm Guidehouse to look at OPWDD’s Self-Direction policies and processes, and provide recommendations to deliver a better Self-Direction service model. This is a follow-up to the Self-Direction survey.
Wed., Jan. 29, 2025: A Historic Conversation: The Willowbrook Legacy at 50 Years: Fifty years ago, the exposure of inhumane conditions at Willowbrook State School led to a landmark Consent Decree. Three people whose lives intersected at this crucial moment will share their stories. (CIDNY)
Thurs. Jan. 30, 2025: Virtual Lunch & Learn Autism Service Dogs: BluePath Service Dogs is offering a free webinar where parents can learn about their work and help determine whether a service dog would be a good fit for their family. Time: 12 pm. to 1 p.m. Zoom link: bit.ly/bluepath-zoom
Sat., Feb. 1, 2025: Beauty and Bonding Women’s Group Session 1, Cupcake Creations: This social group is for women and all who identify as female and non-binary/gender expansive with disabilities. This hands-on cupcake decorating class is with Susan O’Keefe, the owner of Baked By Susan Bakery. (Shames JCC on the Hudson)
Wed., Jan 29, 2025: Calling All Advocates: Medicaid Advocacy in 2025: Learn about the growing concern of potential cuts to Medicaid and what can be done to help protect Medicaid. (The Arc)
Wed., Jan. 29 2025 – Fri, Jan. 31, 2025: Community Support Network (CSN) Transition Institute: Will provide information to assist students in making a smooth transition to adulthood through effective planning, plus will share important tips on accessing transition services and supports in the community.
Thurs., Feb. 6, 2025: Voices of Experience: Family Stories and Essential Resources for Transitioning Students with Disabilities: Families of students with disabilities and other stakeholders, including professionals from education and vocational rehabilitation, hear directly from others who have navigated the transition from high school to adult life. (NTACT:C and the RAISE Center)
Tues., Feb. 11, 2025: Hear Our Voices Relationship Skills Group: Self-Advocates at the Community Support Network (CSN): Hear our Voices is open to anyone in New York State with a developmental disability regardless of having attended prior meetings. (CSN at Westchester Institute for Human Development)
Tues., Feb. 11, 2025: Transition to College for Students with an IEP or 504 Plan Learn the differences that can be expected as students move from high school to any 2- or 4-year college setting, including process to access academic accommodations, disability documentation requirements, the changing role of parents, and tips on what students can do now to gain the necessary skills needed for a successful college experience. Students are encourage to attend. (Rockland Transition Consortium)
Wed., Feb. 19, 2025: Disability Conversations: “Hear Our Voices” Self Advocacy Group Meeting: The Hear Our Voices self-advocacy meetings meet monthly on a Wednesday and are open to anyone in New York State with a developmental disability regardless of having attended prior meetings. (CSN at Westchester Institute for Human Development)
Wed., Feb. 26, 2025: The Relationship Between Emotional Regulation and Severe and Dangerous Behaviors: A large percentage of those with profound autism exhibit severe, intense, and dangerous behaviors. Finding the causes has been a priority for researchers. In collaboration with University of Pittsburgh, Stanford University, National Council on Severe Autism and Autism Speaks, you have the opportunity to hear about emotional regulation, its role in these behaviors and what interventions are available.
Sat., March 8, 2025: GiGi’s Educator Symposium: Join a team of experienced educators and therapists from across the GiGi’s Playhouse Network to learn how to teach individuals with Down syndrome the way they learn best.
Image: BluePath Service Dogs