Charter Schools

An analysis from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) shows that compared to traditional public schools, charter schools that received Department of Education “Charter Schools Program” grants enrolled fewer students designated as receiving services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act.

Researchers, it says, “have identified potential factors that may contribute to enrollment patterns. For example, students with disabilities and parents may already be connected to programs in traditional public schools. According to researchers, charter schools may [also] use practices that discourage students with disabilities from applying.”

Charter schools are publicly funded schools governed by independent organizations. The Department of Education awards “Charter Schools Program” grants to help open or expand charter schools across the nation. The GOA analysis (published Feb. 23, 2023), reviewed charter schools that received funds from these grants between 2006-2020.

The schools receiving grants generally had higher student enrollment growth compared to similar charter schools that did not receive them.

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