
The Community Support Network at Westchester Institute for Human Development has an excellent program, Hear Our Voices, aimed at empowering, educating and developing social connections for self-advocates. Its educational programming explores relevant topics for advocacy, and in doing so teaches those with I/DD how to become leaders and make the changes they need.

The group meets monthly, and its next Zoom promises to be a special event. The speaker is Kate Meltzer, director of operations and a case manager at Future Centered Care, a concierge social work company supporting adults with I/DD.

Date: Feb. 22, 2023

Time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Link to register.

The president of Hear Our Voices, Brendan Klein, is straight-out awesome. Coordinator of Self Advocacy & Community Engagement at WIHD, he engages and empowers his peers in integrated community service projects and inclusive social opportunities. He also uses his social media/tech/video skills and personal outreach to help connect young people with disabilities to each other in ways that are innovative and unique to the special needs community.

Image: FreepixSave 

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