The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (DDAC), a New York State workgroup that meets quarterly, is holding its next quarterly meeting in person and virtually.

What is the DDAC?

DDAC provides recommendations for statewide priorities and goals, comprehensive planning, resource allocation, and evaluation processes for state and local services for people with developmental disabilities.

The Council is comprised of self-advocates, family members, provider representatives, and other stakeholders; the Self-Advocacy Association of New York State; provider associations and provider councils; the Statewide Family Support Services Committee; the County and Local Mental Hygiene Directors; and the Real Choice Systems Committee.

Meeting Details

Date: June 20

Time: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Where: It’s being held in-person and virtually.

  • Empire State Plaza Meeting Room 1, Albany, N.Y.
  • Center for Family Support – 333 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, N.Y.
  • People Inc. – 1219 North Forest Road, Williamsville, N.Y.

The virtual meeting is being held via WebEx.

The meeting details and the registration link can be accessed here: https://opwdd.ny.gov/event/ddac-quarterly-meeting-3

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