Direct Support Professionals

As reported last week in The Boost, the New York State 2023-24 budget utterly fails nonprofit Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). In response, Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright and state Senator John Mannion have introduced a bill to raise wages an extra $4,000 per year in income, which reportedly comes out to approximately $2.20 per hour.

The direct support wage enhancement bill is likely to go before the full floor for a vote in both the assembly and senate by the end of June, reports amNY. And to help its passage, the news site adds, the legislators plan to hold a rally in support of the bill in Albany on May 15, which is Disability Awareness Day.

I’m sure there will be petitions to sign in support of the bill, so keep an eye out. If you know of one, let me know and I’ll post it.

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