We know Direct Support Professionals (DPS) need and deserve to earn a living wage, but thanks to the 2023 DSP Survey Report we also know what they need in other ways.
Participating DSPs gave their input on supervisor support, recognition and career advancement. Based on the survey data, it’s clear that driving their attitudes toward work is “a desire for workplace wellness, a thirst for learning opportunities, and a yearning for career growth options.”
Here are the key findings of the report, produced by ANCOR:
- 81% want a safe platform to provide feedback about a supervisor;
- 59% say they actually have such an avenue available;
- less than half, 46%, felt well prepared for their job after onboarding training;
- 56% reported that they would be very much to extremely more likely to stay with their current organization if offered career advancement opportunities;
- 27% were dissatisfied with how their organization shows appreciation for their work.
“The impact of DSP supervisors is huge,” reads the report. “This is a trend we have seen among the DSP workforce over the last several years. DSPs consistently report that they prefer recognition from their supervisor more than anyone else. On top of that, those DSPs who are more likely to stay with their organization are the ones who report a decent level of satisfaction with their supervisor.”
The 2023 survey had 763 DSP participants. Sixty-six percent of the respondents had five or more years of experience.
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