
Applied Self Direction is leading a new project sponsored by Elevance Health to improve worker recruitment and retention in self-direction programs nationwide.

As part of the project, it’s surveying people with lived experience in self-direction. This includes:

  1. people who self-direct their own services and supports;
  2. people who serve as unpaid representatives for a family member or close friend who self-directs; or
  3. people who were hired as paid direct care workers for someone who self-directs. (A paid direct care worker may or may not be related to the person who self-directs.)

Based on the survey results, it will publish a white paper identifying themes and recommendations for policies and practices that can alleviate the workforce shortage and facilitate quality hiring.

If interested in participating, complete the survey by Friday, Aug. 11, 2023. The organization says it should take about 10 minutes to complete.

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