
The grassroots Coalition for Self-Direction Families of New York State (C4SD), led by families of New Yorkers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD), wants to expand its agenda and, to do so, wants to know yours.

The goal of C4SD, which just launched in October 2023, is to “protect and improve the system of individual Self-Directed budgets in New York State, as one of the primary pathways to achieving integrated lives, based on freedom of choice.” It has been focusing on the “red flag” policies that make it increasingly difficult to get approval for activities that fall under the “Community Classes & Publicly Available Training/Coaching” category. (Read more about that here.)

Now, it wants to know the services you’re interested in, your vision for the Self-Direction system, and what the organization’s top priorities should be next. It’ll take you mere minutes to answer the questions designed to help you and your loved one. Click here for the C4SD Self-Direction Survey now!

The Supreme Court’s 1999 Olmstead decision gave people with I/DD the constitutional right to live and receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate. C4SD works to: protect this right; make Self-Direction easily available to anyone who chooses it; and end all policies that prevent the free exercise of choice.

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