Direct Support Professionals

Is help on the way for Direct Support Professionals in New York?

Maybe this time, now that the Direct Support Wage Enhancement bill (S4127- A5268) was reintroduced in January 2024 by New York State Senator John Mannion and Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright. The bipartisan legislation would provide a $4,000 wage enhancement to employees who provide direct care support to individuals with developmental disabilities.

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“Without state funding to offer more competitive wages against other labor markets like food service or the retail industry, nonprofit provider agencies cannot effectively recruit and retain staff or maintain services,” reads Mannion’s announcement.

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are committed professionals whose mission is to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) thrive. Underpaid and overworked despite the critical care they provide, many have left or are leaving a profession they believe in because they can’t afford to live.

The already critical shortage of DPSs is “further exacerbated in [a growing number of states] due to changes and cuts to Medicaid and waiver programs,” reports the Autism Society.  New York pay is not keeping up with inflation.

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In May 2023, Hochul signed a budget that failed DSPs statewide. Not only was there no needed pay hike, they didn’t even get a living wage. The $229 billion 2023-2024 budget landed on a small, 4% cost of living increase that doesn’t keep up with inflation.

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