I suspect the focus of this webinar will be mostly on people with physical disabilities vs. those who are, say, on the autism spectrum, but that’s even more of a reason for people with developmental abilities who can handle computer work to attend and have their voices heard.
STEM is a common abbreviation for four closely connected areas of study: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And, as I’m sure you know, filling the growing number of STEM jobs has become a challenge.
The session will explore what it means to create resources, integrate approaches, and innovative strategies made with all students in mind.
- Alina DeZoysa, STEM policy intern, U.S. Dept. of Ed
- Tara Robillard, senior researcher, materials seveloper, and evaluator, Technical Education Research Centers (TERC)
- Megan Vinh, co-director, STEM Innovation for Inclusion in Early Education (STEMIE) Center
- Stephen White, Esq., vice president of External Affairs, Strategic Initiatives and Business Development, COSI
When: Thursday, June 6, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.