
The New York Alliance for Developmental Disabilities (NYADD) has found what it calls an “alarming” increase in denials and reversals on previously approved self-direction community classes. There have also been reports, it says, of similar issues with Housing Subsidy approvals in non-certified options.

Has this happened to you? Do you know of others who have experienced this? If so, there’s now an easy way to share your experiences.

NYADD has organized a focus group to bring these issues to the attention of the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (DDAC) self-direction committee. And as part of its work, it has created a survey, below, to help assess the scope of the issues. NYADD is looking for specific examples of incidences where OPWDD or the Fiscal Intermediary have denied or reversed approvals for community class reimbursements and for issues with the Housing Subsidy.

The data will be shared with the DDAC to help inform the work it’s doing. This sub-committee will be working directly with the consultant OPWDD is accepting proposals for to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current self-direction service model.

The anonymous survey, found here, is a great way to make an impact. Please take and share!

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