I confess to not knowing about this until recently, but New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) can be issued a Developmental Disabilities Identification Card to help any encounters with first responders.
The state bill authorizing the cards was passed in 2018. They’re available to people who have a medically diagnosed developmental disability and are meant to be presented to law enforcement, firefighters and emergency medical services personnel to aid in the communication process.
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The front of the card reads: “I may have difficulty understanding and following your directions or may become unable to respond. I may become physically agitated if you prompt me verbally or touch me or move too close to me. I am not intentionally refusing to cooperate. I may need your assistance.”
The back of the card includes a name, address and date of birth, emergency contact info and a space for additional, customizable info.
You can use a printable form and mail in your request for an IDD/ID card at IDD/ID Card Request Form.