And I do mean “negotiations” in quotation marks because the Republican Party’s bad-faith bargaining tactics are simply out to hurt the most vulnerable citizens in the country.
On a more measured noted, President Biden and House Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy “hope to strike a budget compromise this weekend,” reports the AP. But a person familiar with the talks, it writes, said the two sides are [still] ‘dug in’ on whether or not to agree to Republican demands to impose stiffer work requirements on people who receive government food stamps, cash assistance and health care aid, some of the most vulnerable Americans.”
Yes, Republican lawmakers in the House are still holding the economy hostage and threatening to hurt the country’s disability community while doing so.
Below are some of this week’s stories on the GOP tactic that puts people with disabilities at risk.
How The House GOP’s Medicaid Work Rule Would Hurt Family Caregivers And People With Disabilities (F0rbes.com)
The Medicaid Work Requirement Horrors in the Debt Ceiling Deal (Theprogressive.com)