HUD to fund more housing options for people with disabilities, waitlists for services are on the rise in states across the country, advocates call for a federal panel on profound autism to get its act together and more news for the week ending Oct. 21, 2023.
SSI Benefit Increase for 2024
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments are going up 3.2% more a month in 2024 due to an increase in the cost of living.
Social Security Chief Orders Broad Review Of Benefit Overpayments The agency has been trying to reclaim billions of dollars from beneficiaries, including many people with disabilities. (Disability Scoop)
People with intellectual disability often diagnosed with cancer when already well advanced In part, some doctors assume symptoms have to do with the disability rather than a biological cause. (The Conversation; the study is from England)
Federal Panel Pressured To Focus More On Profound Autism Advocates say a committee tasked with guiding the strategy is largely ignoring the needs of this population. (Disability Scoop)
In My Words: Living at the Speed of Autism A father, writing about his autistic son, says it’s time to “lose our condescension toward neurodiverse individuals and instead ask if we can share their mindset.” (elon.edu)
Study explores how changing autism traits linked to mental health conditions (UC Davis Health Mind Institute)
New York
The former New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (NYS DDPC) is now the NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD).
Other States
Removing employment barriers for New Jerseyans with disabilities A good look at an ongoing issue. (New Jersey Monitor)
Massachusetts is having problems: There’s a New special ed plan unveiled for Boston Public Schools, which is needed to avoid a state takeover (nbcboston.com), and there’s been a call for More Oversight Needed for Residential Schools Specializing in Autism and Other Disabilities amid reports of abuse. (Boston Globe).
Lawsuit accuses Catholic schools in New Orleans of discriminating against students with disabilities (PBS)
The two articles below help illustrate how the disability assistance system is in crisis. It seems I’m reading more and more of these lately.
Oklahoma DHS attempts to shorten disability assistance waitlist The salient fact here seems to be that the state has a 13-year waitlist for families to receive Developmental Disability assistance. (kswo.com)
‘Monster under my bed’: Disabled Kansans wait years for help, with the future uncertain The waitlist, for decades now, has been stagnant. In August, there were 5,096 on the I/DD waitlist. (Kansas Reflector)
Pawsitive Friendships Provides Animal Therapy to Arizona Students with Disabilities “The connection is all body language. It teaches them how to use that body language throughout their whole lives in their day-to-day.” (The74million.org)
7 Impactful Documentaries by Artists with Disabilities A Sundance Watchlist. (Sundance.org)